Before you start reading this small article wondering what is this all about, I would like to clarify you that, I am not trying to start an argument to justify BORDOLOIS OR BORDOLOI’S. It’s all about an Entity that, my Team and I collectively worked towards positioning into an Identity.

When our Guests ask what is BORDOLOIS? Its common as they wonder if it’s the Owner’s surname or something? Some guests wonder if it’s a European name. I have been thinking about this all long as BORDOLOI is not a common name as we do hear about other names/surnames. However, our team now know how to explain to satisfy the guest’s curiosity.

I do not find much to read about the BORDOLOI surname, however would like to share something that I read on Wikipedia-

BORDOLOI is a surname and people with this surname are originally from Assam ~A State in the North East of India. Usually Brahmin community use BORDOLOI as surname, even though commonly used surnames are Acharya, Barua, Bhattachaya,Goswami, Sharma etc . The Tia Community also uses BORDOLOI as surname in most of the places in Assam.There is a myth that the Ahom Dynasty brought the Brahmins to Assam for worshiping Goddess Kamakhya but the fact is that Brahmins were present in Assam much earlier to the advent Ahoms. There’s a lot to read about Ahom Dynasty in Assam.

So, when we came up with the name BORDOLOI to position our newly concept into providing Healthy and Pleasant dining experience, we tried to bring into the Ahom Dynasty’s image of Healthy and Elite life style.We banked on this. Finally, we brought into service by introducing BORDOLOIS Indian Fusion and BORDOLOIS Asian Fusion in two cities of New Jersey. More information available on

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